246 Release Notes
- Fixed: Pasted icons in the pixmap editor weren't properly managing
their transparent bits. (Spuzzum)
- Fixed: Some of the syntax color-coding was mixed up. (Deadron)
- Fixed: Icon-states still weren't always being correctly generated on
the map builder. (Guy T.)
- Fixed: Turf contents lists were getting truncated when removing an
item other than the first. This bug was introduced a few days ago, and
caused all sorts of weird effects. So sometimes there is a downside to
daily releases. Hopefully the convenience of current builds is worth it,
though! (Zubul, Guy T, Deadron)
- Fixed: As advertised, turfs and areas on the map were getting
created before world.New(), but objs and mobs were not. Now all objects
on the map should be created first. (Gazoot)
- Increased the delay between successive calls to Stat() from one server
tick (0.1s) to about 8 times that.
- Removed the "..." button on the mapper. No one really knew what it
did (including us designers). (Guy T.)