321 Release Notes
- Fixed: The message() input box wasn't accepting newlines anymore.
(Kevin Kitsune)
- Fixed: Click() was failing to be called if the pointer was moved at all
when on the same object. It now gets called in that case, but will not be
called if the pointer moves off the object (MouseDrag() will be called instead).
- Fixed: Click() events involving objects with pixel_x or pixel_y settings
were still off by a little bit. (Cinnom)
- Fixed: DS was sometimes crashing on shutdown or connection to new worlds.
- Fixed: Certain "?topic" links weren't working as expected from within the
- Fixed: The input list and text boxes weren't accepting certain urls, like
"" (Lummox JR)
- Fixed: Images were sometimes getting dropped when the location of the image was an
object that went out of view for a while. (Air Mapster)
- Fixed: the new movement animation code was making it possible to move at
odd-numbered footstep sizes, which was causing trouble with map scrolling in
small icon mode. (Deadron)
- Fixed: Objects animated with SYNC_STEPS were sometimes jumping from random
positions on the screen when missing a head object and moving over a large
distance. (Deadron)
- Fixed: There was a "slide-into-place glitch" when teleporting between
distant locations on the map. (Deadron, Silk Wizard)
320 Release Notes | View All