Azusa RP Online

by Inutaishos
Azusa RP Online
New Game Mode: Battle Arena, and Free to play steam period! [More]

Top Players

Name Roleplaying Rank
#1 DredFTW 60,501,000
#2 Super Serious Emo 10,000,000
#3 Racave 120,294
#4 Kresnik04 100,553
#5 Louko123 12,314
#6 GabrielGameBr 9,212.5
#7 Orion SA 8,976
#8 Harunas2 8,195
#9 Pandora12345 7,880
#10 MrGKS 7,493
#11 PlumStyler 7,400
#12 Crewcx 7,020
#13 Makei9 6,950
#14 Killer255 6,782
#15 SraVanuza 6,776
#16 King Vegetaa 6,768
#17 EoqVrau 5,730
#18 Kimihura 5,454
#19 Wings of Despair 5,404
#20 Hoboman11 5,050
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Medals Earned

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Medals Available

Save the World!

Congratulations! Everyone loves you now, you Defeated the Death Lord and started the era of Azusa!