Bleach Soul Wars (Guerra Das Almas) v2.0.0

by Zagros5000
A 2D Bleach MMORPG Sandbox! Português & English Supported In Game, discord and game updated Daily! bleach anime naruto dbz dragon ball one piece fairy tail super gintama final game fight [More]
Latest Version
Date added: May 27 2017
Last updated: Sep 17
3877 fans

1 Game Live!

Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.

byond:// [PvPvE | Level Cap: 1000 | Exp Multi: x1.5 | Rebirth Level: 90 | Soul King: Vacant | 17 Players | Last Event: KOTH]

Logged in: 14 players [See list]

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Welcome to Soul Wars! The greatest 2d Bleach MMORPG Experience
Bem-vindo ao Soul Wars! A melhor experi?ncia MMORPG 2d Bleach

We now support Brazil players by including a Portuguese language option in game!
Agora damos suporte aos jogadores do Brasil incluindo uma op??o de idioma portugu?s no jogo!

  • Great community, open for all who love not only bleach, but all genre/titles
  • Competitive ranked system
  • New Raid system with raid bosses, raid specific mechanics, and drops
  • The ultimate PvP Rpg experience - fight for your faction
  • Guild system with guild wars and guild houses
  • Map faction raids that let you raid another factions map
  • Automated real time events
  • Character Customization
  • Fun Leveling
  • Great classic 2D Graphics
  • Large world
  • Balanced PVP
  • A new story line
  • Grande comunidade, aberta para todos que amam n?o apenas bleach, mas todos os g?neros/t?tulos
  • Sistema de classifica??o competitivo
  • Novo sistema de raide com chefes de raide, mec?nicas espec?ficas de raide e drops
  • A melhor experi?ncia PvP Rpg - lute pela sua fac??o
  • Sistema de guildas com guerras de guildas e casas de guildas
  • Mapear invas?es de fac??es que permitem invadir outro mapa de fac??es
  • Eventos automatizados em tempo real
  • Personaliza??o de personagens
  • Nivelamento divertido
  • Grandes gr?ficos 2D cl?ssicos
  • Mundo grande
  • PVP equilibrado
  • Uma nova hist?ria